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Patients case with hip pain

A patient is looking for right hip discomfort. He has been suffering from the hip pain for several years — load-related symptoms.

When examined, the pain was produced at maximum flexion and inward rotation — X-Ray without finding.

When we performed the ultrasound examination, a ganglion cyst was located anterior-laterally, which in dynamic ultrasound saw to be squeezed into rotation and flexion.

Since conservative treatment has not produced any results, we treat the patient with an ultrasound injection into the ganglion.

Video )Patient case hip

1) Patient case hip

2) Patient case hip

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Trice Imaging Försäljning
Johanna Wollert Melin
0702-34 60 41
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Canon Medical Ultraljud
Anders Hildebrand
070-295 99 72

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GE Healthcare
Emma Jonsson
070-108 04 08
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