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Patient fall iliopectineal bursitis

Patient seeking Specialist Scandinavia for a lot of pain and stiffness in the hip since 2 years after trauma. Plain X-ray clear.

Niklas Norlen Ultrasound Specialist finds an effusion iliopectineus bursa. Rami Elias Orthopedic Specialist aspires this bursa containing clear liquid of 22 ml. After aspiration, the pain is reduced and mobility is improved in the hip.

Iliopectineal bursitis under aspiration

Before aspiration

Before aspiration

After aspiration

After aspiration

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Trice Imaging Försäljning
Johanna Wollert Melin
0702-34 60 41
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Canon Medical Ultraljud
Anders Hildebrand
070-295 99 72

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GE Healthcare
Emma Jonsson
070-108 04 08
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