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Patient case pectoralis major ruptur

Translation to English: The patient presents with a referral for ultrasound diagnostics due to shoulder pain and weakness. The patient exhibits discoloration of the skin anterior to the shoulder and down the front of the arm. The trauma occurred approximately 2 weeks ago during a bench press.

We find a partial through damage grade 2. The diastasis measures 1.3 cm. Hypoechoic changes in the muscle belly are observed. It is compressible and opens upon provocation. Beneath the muscle injury, the ribs and the right humerus with the attachment of the pectoralis major tendon are visible.

Pectoralis major ruptur

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Trice Imaging Försäljning
Johanna Wollert Melin
0702-34 60 41
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Canon Medical Ultraljud
Anders Hildebrand
070-295 99 72

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GE Healthcare
Emma Jonsson
070-108 04 08
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