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Patient case Morton's neuroma

Patients were seeking due pain, tingling, burning, and numbness in the forefoot.

Morton's neuroma was detected by a dynamic examination using ultrasound. Mulder's click shows the neuroma by compression of the forefoot.

We treated this patient with injecting with depo-medrol and lidocaine with ultrasound guidance.

Mortons neuroma long

Mortons neuroma injection

Mortons neuroma

If you want to learn more about ultrasound diagnostics, dynamic imaging, and injections, then there are courses to go to Sweden. See more information at courses page.

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Trice Imaging Försäljning
Johanna Wollert Melin
0702-34 60 41
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Canon Medical Ultraljud
Anders Hildebrand
070-295 99 72

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GE Healthcare
Emma Jonsson
070-108 04 08
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